无线通信原理面向考试的复习,结合复习课划题与重点CHP1 导论电磁波$$ c = \lambda f $$无线网络技术按照范围从小到大WPAN 蓝牙,zigbeeWLAN WI-FIWMAN WiMAXWWAN 蜂窝系统工作模式simplex 单工 half-duplex 半双工full-duplex 全双工FDD ( Frequency division duplexing ) : FDD system means that the system uses different frequencies (channels) for transmitting and receiving data, and there is a duplex interval between the uplink and downlink frequencies. TDD ( Time division duplexing ) : TDD uses the fact that it is possible to share a single radio channel in time, so that